Sergey Kazantsev
S. Kazantsev: «The theme of fire is read well in Indian things. You don't even need to invent».
Acquaintance of the sculptor with India
It so happened that when in 2004 the sculptor's wife was looking for a good vacation trip, she found a very interesting proposal - a tour to India with visits to key tourist places and accommodation in five-star hotels. The tour price was very competitive! The travel company was just entering the Russian market, so it offered a trip with a 50% discount! The couple first came to India! This country delighted them incredibly. Goa's white sand and empty beaches, the energy of the Kojuraho Temples, fresh tropical fruits, local flavor and atmosphere - they all loved it.
The second time they came to India, 2 years later, in February 2006. They chose the tour "Pearls of the South of India" with India Tour "(the founder of the company - Yuri Bharat, as it became known, was a student of Sai Baba, had two gold rings from him and opened the company with the blessing of Sai Baba). This tour included the Ashrams of the South of India and the healing hotels in Kerala with the famous massages and therapies with oils (Ayurveda).
During his second trip, Sergei Sergeevich first saw Sathya Sai Baba. This happened at his Ashram in Puttaparthi. Early in the morning Sergei and his wife Natalya went to the morning meeting (Darshan) in the Ashram, which took place in a huge hall (Mandir), where a huge number of guests gathered. Sai Baba came out to everyone, gave a lecture, everyone began to sing in chorus. The couple liked the atmosphere of this place and returned here at the end of the same year, in December 2006. This time they lived in the Ashram for over a month. At the celebration of Catholic Christmas, they performed a song, during which they could see Sai Baba very close, because were with him on stage. They were struck by his huge black eyes, from which an incredible energy emanated, it seemed that he sees through everyone, his gaze was like a burning laser.
Returning from a trip to his homeland, Sergei Sergeevich sculpted a portrait of Sathya Sai Baba, which is kept in his gallery in Borzykh. And under the impression from the Temples of Khajuraho, he decorated the fireplace in his workshop with reliefs-copies of sculptures from these temples. According to the sculptor, for a long time he could not find suitable motives that would fully embody the blazing heat of the fire. And only in India, at 40 degrees of heat, walking through the hot sand, getting acquainted with Indian sculpture, he realized what else should appear in the artist's creative workshop.
Moscow region, village Borzye, Centralnaya st., 65, Park and gallery of sculptor Kazantsev