Reviews of the club "April"
School-children of club “April” visiting the sculptor S. Kazantsev
School-children of club “April” visiting the sculptor S. Kazantsev
Video from Vladimir Strozhuk about S.Kazantsev's mastiff named – Stiff
Video from Vladimir Strozhuk about S.Kazantsev's home farm
Istra News about the celebration of the Chekhov’s days in Istra
Open PDF01.08.2008
Istra News about the new monument, which was performed by Sergey Kazantsev for the district
Open PDF21.06.2008
Vladimirskie Vedomosti on the work of sculptor Sergey Kazantsev
Open PDF03.06.2008
Красное Знамя о творчестве скульптора Сергея Казанцева
Open PDF08.04.2008
The famous Moscow sculptor S. Kazantsev was awarded the honorary title “National artist of RF”
Open PDF01.01.2008
The sculptures of S. Kazantsev can be safely compared with the creations of the masters of the Italian Renaissance
Open PDF01.01.2008
On the work of S. Kazantsev, a new monument to Chekhov and Levitan in Istra
Open PDF01.01.2008
Sergey Kazantsev the author of the sculptures of the memorial in the city park
Open PDF16.11.2007
The image illustrated an article about the events in the Kazan Church in the village Glebovo
Open PDF